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Healing for humanity
Jerry Malmberg
I explain the healing for humanity as a manual for life. The book, should they read from secondary school but also the book deserves to be in every home in this world, it gives a reality image of how the world should work together, to achive love peace and understanding. I have studied brains for years to get it inside the book. In the book you will find knowledge about the human being, which i can guarantee you will not in others. i have done my research for years . this is all dun by me no others. This book is about us human beings about healers their purpose, their meaning for humanity, why we act differtenly, about our brains and what makes the differences between us, why we are unique, How can we reach a world of peace love and understanding? Which are the secrets between life and afterlife? The book will give you an idea of what we should be taught already at secondary school. ETC. Read the back of the book.
Viljans Konsekvens
Anton Carlson
"Viljans konsekvens" är en filosofibok som ställer frågan varför allt ständigt blir något. Varför är varje ting just somliga egenskaper, svaret är för att bevara sig: alltså är egenskapernas ändamål inte egenskaperna utan självet själv. För att begripa självet själv så undersöks viljan, dess ändamål och villovägar som enbart tas för att komma tillbaka till ändamålet själv.